The Highly Sensitive Person
Innate sensitiveness as Dr. Carl Jung originally coined it, is an innate trait not a choice. Biologists have found it in over 100 species. Later coined as HSP by Dr. Elaine N. Aron, the brain of a highly sensitive person processes sensory data more deeply and thoroughly due to a biological difference in their nervous system.
Common signs of HSP are sensitivity to loud noises, bright or fluorescent lights, and strong smells. Noticing everything leads to being over stimulated when things are too intense, complex, chaotic or novel for an extended period. Click here for the test.
This trait reflects about 20% of us that have a certain type of survival strategy, being observant before acting. When overloaded the stress reactions can be; reactive, irritable, impatient and complete withdrawal. Calm touch and soothing quiet can reset the parasympathetic system.
With a nervous system that is easily overwhelmed it’s best to plan ahead and be aware of the triggers and environments that cause the greatest stress. Sensory overload is easily experienced in large gatherings like; parties, concerts, hospitals, airports, subways, etc. Other triggers include conflict and violence. One can not overcome environment the best stress relief is to remove oneself.
HSPs are more likely to show up at adult education courses, study groups with a focus on the deeper or more esoteric aspects of religions, art classes, lectures on psychology, poetry readings, Mensa gatherings, symphonies, opera and ballet performances and spiritual retreats of all sorts.
Quiet time in nature, a grateful attitude and deep breathing can balance the nervous system. Create a set routine for bed, fresh food, time off and gentle exercise. Enjoy small gatherings with close friends and loved ones.
The attributes of HSP’s can be remembered as DOES:
- Depth of processing.
- Over aroused (easily compared to others)
- Emotional reactivity and high empathy
- Sensitivity to subtle stimuli.
Dr. Orloff is a pioneering therapist who counsels the highly empathic. Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize their feelings. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners and world-class nurturer.
The trademark of empaths is that they know where you’re coming from. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Negativity, though, often feels assaulting and exhausting. Click here for the test.
When empaths absorb the impact of stressful emotions, it can trigger panic attacks, depression, food, sex and drug binges, and a plethora of physical symptoms.
Learn How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
As an empath and a highly sensitive person, I will guide you into a full awareness of your bodies needs. You will learn how best to care for their individual needs. The very action of awareness liberates you from the triggers and traps previously felt. You will have new strategies and tools to negotiate your life without dealing with overwhelm. Call today 415-409-9264.
Having a Human Design reading with Ema is all about learning the mechanics of being the best you, based on how you were designed to operate. She shares with you the key information that is like an "instruction manual" for living with the most ease in your life. It can also help you understand the similarities and differences with your loved ones, which can support fluidity in relationships based on design... She's compassionate, knowledgeable, fun, and tuned-in. I highly recommend working with her.
Finding Ema was like finding a gem. She helped me to understand my complex nature, and was able to relate the information to me on a very deep and human level. She has a very dynamic body of knowledge and tools that enable her to adapt to my complex needs and problems. I have had therapists and different teachers over the years, but there is usually a professional boundary which is necessary to protect the worker's energy reserves. However, Ema is different in that she has found ways to be able to relate her incredibly healing compassion without putting up walls while maintaining professional boundaries. She has an enormous heart and although she is highly qualified for a professional relationship, I consider her like family.
As a life coach Ema is focused, extremely skilled, and genuinely invested in my personal fulfillment! Her detailed information has clarified perceptions I have stored in my heart and mind for a lifetime even after previous counseling. Her capacity to hold and simply communicate the information flow is so impressive. But most important to me is her guidance in applying this to my life moving forward. So glad I entrusted Ema with my inner world.
Thank you, Ema, for introducing me to my Human Design. It was very helpful to learn that as a Projector, I should wait for the invitation that recognizes my unique qualities before entering into a relationship or situation, to avoid feeling resentful or bitter later on. Learning to wait rather than initiate is life changing! BL
I had a great Human Design reading with Ema recently. I was surprised by some of the insights she revealed to me, many of which I had never heard before even after many readings of other kinds.
She told me things about my innate personality that helped me make sense out of challenges I have, and put them in perspective.
I would highly recommend Ema's readings for anyone looking for deeper self-understanding and expression.
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