Signs Of Emotional Intelligence EI
What Does Emotional Intelligence Look Like?
Emotional intelligence looks like a person that is understanding, empathizing with others and negotiating life situations through effective communication skills. Without emotionally intelligence in our life and career, success eludes us.
Self Awareness Leads To Self-Regulating
The ability to recognize an emotion as it “happens” is the first sign that an emotion may need some awareness and attention brought to it. As soon as you recognize an emotion happening you can begin to notice the effects in the physical body. The physical signs of tightness in the body or chemicals racing through the blood are the first sign that your emotional awareness can monitor the situation rather than take simply reacting or taking action.
You have already begun the process of self-regulating by bringing your attention to your own physical body rather than directing your attention on an outward story or situation. This is the process of self-control. As you focus on the impulses in the body you can begin to open to new ideas rather than getting caught in your own chemistry.
Noticing Emotions As Energy In The Body
Now that your focus is on the sensations moving through your body. Notice the thoughts that begin to frame in your mind. Negative thoughts can be reframed into more positive thoughts. With this focus, you can drop the stories that want to be created. The stories that build obstacles and setbacks in your life. Here you begin to notice the energy in the body and become the witness rather than reacting.
Due to the chemistry that comes from emotions running through the body, everything works better if you also have a therapeutic way to transform the emotions in the body. Physical exercise is good for this and Healing QiGong is profoundly powerful in moving emotional energy in the body – out.
Emotions are mapped and held energetically in the organs of the body. Some system of bodily release needs to be embraced on a regular basis.
Self-Empathy And Interpersonal Skills
Your ability to recognize how you feel will assist you in discerning how other people feel. Bolstering your interpersonal abilities which will assist you in cultivating opportunities with others. Understanding others and discerning the feelings behind your needs and wants and the needs and wants of others.
Strong communication skills start with your own inner personal communication and move out towards others as development deepens. Rather than coming from confusion, you can effectively communicate by sending clear messages. Before you know it you are building relationship bonds that are nurturing without being destructive. You have flow in your life rather than ups and downs.
Psychologists agree that among the ingredients for success seventy-five percent involves Emotional Intelligence. So What Is Emotional Intelligence?
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