By Design It’s Healthier To Sleep Alone
The Study Of Human Design
Research has confirmed that sleeping in a bed with a partner can be bad for your health. Couples suffer up to 50 percent more disturbances when sleeping next to someone rather than sleeping alone.
If you are a light sleeper you may be the one that moves to the spare bed after cuddle time. Sleeping in separate beds doesn’t really affect the great snuggle times you share in the evening or in the morning. It actually gives you a little time to miss each other.
When sleeping happens separately each person can create the perfect sleeping environment for them. Snore without being woke and told to roll. Sleep in silence without disruption.
The room can be warm or cool, whatever takes you to a glorious sleep. You can sleep with a sheet or under the quilts, without someone pulling the sheet or losing your pillow. You can read with the light on or fall asleep to the TV. You can wake the way of you choose. We all like it different in what helps us sleep well.
For some of us the only time we have to our self is the time we spend in our dream life. When we sleep with another our dreams are blended. Some of us have dreams filled with demons as we spend the night fighting in our sleep. Some of us dream of the light and the spiritual realm and yet others are working on solving the problems of the world.
Such a busy time this sleep time. Yet we deem it important to share a bed despite all our difference because we find intimacy in sleeping together.
Given that our health is affected by our sleep or the lack of our sleep, it seems a more practical paradise to provide the best sleeping environment we can. Couples admit that sleeping apart and having their own space actually has been good for their relationship.
Without a doubt it supports a healthier relationship than being sleep-deprived. A lousy night’s sleep can be linked to everything from depression to heart disease, strokes, traffic accidents and even divorce. Medication to fall asleep like Xanax and Ativan have a high potential for addiction sometimes requiring rehab.
So rather than a sign of marital doom, sleeping apart can be a support to the one we love and to our relationship. Since we have learned that sleeping together can actually be bad for our health. We can begin to air our preference and begin rearranging the furniture to support a strong healthy relationship.
In ancient Rome, the marital bed was for one thing and that was not for sleeping. For a decent night’s sleep, create a space you can relish and enjoy the excitement of sneaking into each other’s rooms.
The National Association of Home Builders, are receiving an increase in requests for “two-master bedroom” homes. Predicting by 2015, 60 percent of custom homes will have two owner suites.
For those of you that love to sleep together, cuddle on up and enjoy your restful sleep. For those that sleep best alone, make the necessary adjustment and love each other well during your waking and sleeping. Sweet dreams!
P.S. This is just the opposite for babies, infants and newborns that do best with Mom in bed, according to the research.
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